Cross of skulls
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This category is dedicated to Iron Cross stickers. This famous medal, which is erroneously attributed to the Nazi empire, has its origins in the Kingdom of Prussia (later Germany) and was awarded to soldiers for acts of great bravery or for merit in the command of troops. It is also closely linked to bikers, who wear them on their waistcoats or on the motorbikes themselves.
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The Iron Cross was originally black and was the symbol of the Teutonic Knights. Not only soldiers could receive this distinguished medal, but civilians could also receive it for their heroic deeds. Buy several Iron Cross stickers and give the stickers as a gift to your friends or family who you think deserve it.
After the Second World War many American soldiers returned with items collected from looting. Many of these items were Iron Crosses, taken from German soldiers who had been shot down. Once home they wore them on their jackets or waistcoats, as well as decorating their custom motorbikes with them, which is why it is so common to see bikers with the Iron Cross. Get these Iron Cross motorbike stickers and decorate your bike.